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Reviews of Conference Talks

I love a good conference talk and currently I am really into the Elixir Programming Language. One thing though is it’s tough to know which talks to watch online:

  • Some have great presenters, but cover a topic I am not currently interested in
  • Some are about a topic relevent to what I’m interested in or need to learn, but the video is poor quality
  • Some just aren’t that good

So, I thought I would write about some of the conference talks after I watch them. Let you know what it covers, etc. The format of these reviews is more ‘stream-of-consciousness’ than ‘here’s what happened minute by minute record’.

Here is a link to the first one: Dave Thomas’s talk “Power of Erlang, Beauty of Ruby” at 2013 Lonestar Ruby Conference

I’m hoping to keep these coming…

Written on December 28, 2017

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